Sleeping Beauty turquoise mine is located in
Globe, Arizona. It derives its name from the
Sleeping Beauty Mountain in the area and at
one time was part of the Copper Cities copper
operation. The mine produces a uniform light
to medium blue turquoise. Because of its uniformity
it has been a favorite of the Zuni Pueblo. Silversmiths
there often use it in inlay, petit point and
needlepoint, and matched jewelry sets. The
Sleeping Beauty mine has been one of the larger
producers of turquoise in the country, although
today less good turquoise is being produced
than in the passed.
Sleeping Beauty has never been considered a
hard turquoise and it has never been talked
about in that same sense as many of the classic
Nevada mines. But its beautiful clear blue colors
mirror the blues of the sky and makes Sleeping
Beauty, in every sense of the word, a true "Skystone."
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Stormy Mountain Mine in Elko County, Nevada
produced an extremely high quality turquoise.
Found in the early 1970’s when a new road
to an old copper mine was being bulldozed. For
the most part the turquoise is a very hard,
medium to dark blue material flecked with black
chert. In the best grades the veins can run
up to one inch thick. Turquoise from this mine
is rarely seen today.
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The turquoise that comes out of Tibetan today
is usually antique material and is of a medium
to dark green nature, do to the natural oils
from being worn overtime. It usually has a strong
black matrix. Fine blue material has been available,
though rare in today’s market. The Tibetans
considered turquoise to be a powerful stone
and many wear it for the good fortune in brings.
The Tibetan people have worn turquoise in every
form. There has been little information concerning
the mining of turquoise in Tibet. Both Pogue
and Branson in their books on turquoise list
four areas were turquoise has been found. Because
of Tibetan turquoise’s antique nature
and strong color the cabochons and beads of
this material make fine jewelry especially when
set in gold.